Sunday, 23 December 2012

The Wait ...

I am waiting for the big move to happen in 2013. I won’t reveal details now, but the anticipation is killing me. But I am also beginning to understand that I must take this time that I have and use it wisely. 

There is some sort of surreal beauty in waiting. It is filled with so much hope and faith, the belief that our dreams will come true is so strong it eventually manifests itself as reality. I have seen this happen before in my life, I have no doubt as to where we are headed in coming months, the signs are all there, the Universe is on our side, there is no reason for anxiety, I keep telling myself this over and over again. Faith grows elusive with the cynicism of age. Ironically, that is when we need faith the most. 

I must seek solace in the innocence and blind faith I had, all those years ago. I must now prepare myself for the move. There is so much to be done, so many stories to be written, so many more to be read, so many more to breathe life into. 


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